5 Fun Ways to Elevate your Creative Moods and Get Things Done

Sweet Deviation
Sweet Deviation
5 Fun Ways to Elevate your Creative Moods and Get Things Done

In this episode, I cover 5 quick ways to elevate your creative moods and get things done.

Have you ever just not felt like doing? It’s not that you are tired. No, it stranger than that. You have energy, but you’re not in the MOOD to do any one particular thing.

This is especially true if you are a Creator and need to feel inspired and not just going through the motions of rote activities.

My moods can dictate my actions (or inaction) and can be anxiety-inducing.

Here are 5 quick hacks to jump-start your creativity even when you’re not in the MOOD to do anything.

Use a Spinner

I’ve made this little spinner with modest supplies that just happened to be in arm’s reach. ( Yes, I keep a bar of soap on my desk. I love the lemony scent and it freshens up my whole office)

I used a push pin, a paper clip and a disk I cut our of an index card. I wrote several activities I need to get done and have it a whorl.

Choose Music

I can easily change the mood I’m in by turning up some music. My moods generally dictate what I want to listen to, but the reverse is also true. Change the music to change your mood. Go on! Go listen to your favorite 80s jams.


Try something different. Take a task and turn it on it’s head. Whether your are writing the next best seller or designing your new line of sneakers. Change everything. Try new colors, work in a new location, make a version that is super sized or itty bitty. Take a look at new tools in the industry that you haven’t tried and try them! Do everything in reverse order. Paint with a blindfold on. Paint the sounds of music. Try your non-dominant hand. You get the idea. Go be weird, then come back for next hack.

Lean into the mood

Are you feeling frustrated? Good! Channel that feeling and express it in your art form. Odds are, you are not alone and this might resonate with others, but even if it doesn’t, it’s still your process and you completed something uniquely yours.

Create it and Toss it

Decide to do anything without fear of it being good enough. In fact, you can design something intended to be tossed out. This activity is useful when your mood is dictated by your need to be perfect. Let that go. Create something imperfect on purpose.

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