Episode 7 -A.D.D. -What’s in a name?

Sweet Deviation
Sweet Deviation
Episode 7 -A.D.D. -What's in a name?

Attention Deficit Disorder- what’s in a name?

At least seven types according to to Dr. Amen

  1. Classic- Primary symptoms are inattentiveness, distractibility,  disorganization, and impulsivity, THROW AN h IN THERE FOR Hyperactivity or ADHD
  2. Inattentive- low activity in the prefrontal cortex and low dopamine levels. Symptoms are short attention span, distractibility, disorganization, procrastination.
  3. Overfocused- all of the core ADD symptoms, plus great trouble shifting attention. They get stuck or locked into negative thought patterns or behaviors. There is a deficiency of serotonin and dopamine in the brain
  4. Temporal lobe- is involved with memory, learning, mood stability, and visual processing of objects. People with this type have learning, memory, and behavioral problems, such as quick anger, aggression, and mild paranoia.
  5. Limbic – chronic low-level sadness. Symptoms are moodiness, low energy, frequent feelings of helplessness or excessive guilt, and chronic low self-esteem. It is not a mood disorder. This type is caused by too much activity in the limbic part of the brain (the mood control center) and decreased prefrontal cortex activity.
  6. Ring of fire-  hypersensitivity to the environment — especially noise, light, touch; periods of oppositional behavior; unpredictable moods; talking fast; worrying and obsessiveness.
  7. Anxious ADD-  anxious, tense, have physical stress symptoms like headaches and stomachaches, predict the worst, and freeze in anxiety-provoking situations, especially where they may be judged. 

Labels Defined

Attention Deficit disorder —- poor concentration, impulsivity

Attention: the mental faculty of considering or taking notice of someone or something.

Deficit: the amount by which something is too small

Disorder: a state of confusion

 The term A.D.D. generally evokes negative feelings or attributes

Our wounds cause further damage when we become anxious or depressed because of labels when we don’t fit in.

We learn to hide it. 

Labels Refined

“Nuero-diversity” an alternate view of ADD as a positive attribute

I suggest we remove the dots from A.D.D. and see that we ADD value to our experiences and to the experiences of those around us.

We ADD excitement, energy, creativity, etc.

For additional reading see Dr. Amen’s article

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