Episode 6 – Lack of Direction

Sweet Deviation
Sweet Deviation
Episode 6 - Lack of Direction

No two thoughts can occupy the mind at the same time.

Don’t believe me? Try. You can’t think two thoughts simultaneously… In quick secession, maybe, but not at the same time.

Unfortunately, our brains can hijack our thoughts and we can wind up playing the self-destructive negative talk quietly but consistently throughout our day.

The Ant and the Elephant

I’m reminded of a story I heard once at a management conference about the Elephant and the ant….it asks:

If an ant is traveling west on the back of an elephant that is traveling east…which way is the ant traveling? I think we can agree that no matter how hard that little ant tries, he is gonna be out traveled by the giant steps of the elephant and will unwittingly be moving in the wrong direction.  He may not even realize it is happening.  Our negative self-talk and sabotaging tendencies can be like that damned elephant.   Our little ant legs can be working hard to move in the direction of our goals, but the booming sounds of our elephant is taking us way off our course.

I don’t use that analogy to suggest that we are small and insignificant, on the contrary.  We just need to take the reins and turn it around.

 You have to align yourself with your true nature.

Don’t fight it. Understand it and work with it.

Traits of ADD

Common traits can include lack of direction, poor sense of direction and forgetfulness, impulsivity, distractibility, FOMO- fear of missing out, procrastination, getting bored, impatience and low self-esteem.

Do This

Clarify your vision.  Where are headed today? For me it’s finish this series of podcasts so I can go live.

Be consistent.  What behavior do you want to decrease (your elephant)

Replace it with a behavior you would like to increase. 

For instance, Negative self-talk can be countered with positive self talk.  It may not come naturally and that it is why affirmation cards should be used as a part of our coping cards.  Argue against your negative voice until you finally turn him around.

When you are in a good frame of mind. Write down some affirmative statements to yourself.  It takes practice.  Especially if you have been in the negative loop for years, like most of us with ADD.

Interrupt negative thought patterns and behaviors.  When we can, we should Choose positivity.  

You have to align your habits to your desires and convince your ADD mind that the destination is worth taking together.

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