Episode 4 – The Road to Distraction

Sweet Deviation
Sweet Deviation
Episode 4 - The Road to Distraction

The Road to Distraction- this episode goes down the ever winding and zig-zaggy road that I often travel. You’ve been there too. And It’s okay to have admit you’ve got some miles on the road to distraction. Such is life with ADD.

 Though it’s well traveled. It helps to carry a map and have an idea of where you’d like to arrive.   

Do you need a little help getting to your destination? Well, you are in luck because I am here to share some of my navigation tools on today’s episode of Sweet Deviation.


I don’t know where I’m going…I get too distracted…I never arrive at my destination.


Last episode we talked about Coping cards, well today we will call them Compass cards.

When you find yourself wandering around aimlessly grab your cards and ask yourself these questions…

  1. What is your goal? Do you want to launch a new product line? Create a new widget and find a way to mass produce it and make a million dollars.  You have to know where you are headed.
  2. Do you have a clear path to your goal? Keep an idea notebook to track inspiration and ideas in one spot. It will help when you don’t have to search through a million papers to find that old gum wrapper you wrote your million dollar idea on. ONE notebook.
  3. Is what you are doing right now getting you closer to your goals? (for the moment,  the short answer is yes! This podcast will help you figure out where you wanna go and how to get there) now Carry on….
  4. Bliss is found in the less not more….Is there something you need LESS of?  This may be less TV, Twitter, Booze, clutter etc.  It’s important to label those things that we do that don’t really get us to our goals.  Write these things down.  Be brutal…you don’t need to crush any more candy today. K?  Need more inspiration? Remember this is like a marble slab that is waiting to show us am image of David.  Michelangelo created the famous sculpture by removing, not adding, stone.
  5. What is one thing that you can do RIGHT NOW to get you closer to your goal.  This should be a quick task. Pay that bill, send the text, disable text alerts and other things that distract you, or get rid of one of the things that you need less of… do it now if you are able.
  6. Set a timer to do the top things on your to do list.  – Pomodoro 25 minutes unit of time is best for peak performance. No interruptions…most things can wait 25 minutes.  Schedule most impactful tasks first.  BY the way, Your to do list should fit on an index card.
  7. Reward: Set a timer to do only things that won’t get you to your goal.  Then get back to your list

 Focus is great, but sometimes we need to allow ourselves to live true to our nature and enjoy a sweet deviation. Take a break, dance listen to music. Listen to an audiobook while taking a walk.

Are you new here? You can check out my other podcasts in this series

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