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Great Upcycled Greeting Card

I made this easy upcycled greeting card craft notebook after I stumbled across this gem of a post. In it, I learned of a cool little gadget used to bind notebooks. It is the Zutter Bind it AII and I love it! There is a little bit of a learning curve.  It took a few tries on scrap paper to figure out how to get the hole punches to align properly, but I think the end result was worth the effort.

I wasn’t daring enough to cut into a vintage book or post card, but I did have a New Year’s greeting card that I received from one of my favorite cousins.  Now I have the perfect way to journal or plan events for this year.  I have no doubt that I will find a great number of uses for this little gadget.

As I write this I am struck with regret….I should have made it a Calendar!!! Oh well. I am sure I will find plenty of ways to upcycle scraps and old books into gifts and useful items.


Upcycled Greeting Card

Happy crafting!



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1 Comment

  1. Eleanor, I’m so glad you liked my post. Your notebook looks great. If you really want to have a calendar, you CAN open the binding wire up and swap out the card for a different cover. Then you just close it up by hand. It won’t close as perfectly as the first time but it is doable. Or you can just use another piece of new wire. Happy binding, Betty

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