A sweet deviation....
We are thrilled that everyone who shops at our Farm Store knows they are g...
Category: Uncategorized
Grand Opening
Plantersville Events- The Sweet Deviation Farm Store is scheduled to open for official business on ...

Product Launch is Coming Soon!!!
Launch Date is scheduled for August 28th, 2017. Subscribers will be the first to get the Live Annou...

Well, Hot damn!
This is almost too much to describe here. After losing Sasha and all of my laying hens, my computer...

Hello Spring!
Can you imagine what it must have been like to endure the harsh winters without modern convenien...

Parcel Place
Parcel Place
Slowly unpacking and setting things up. Really should wait until I paint, but I wan...

It’s my Beeswax
It's not exactly My Beeswax, but I am using what I have available to make a few very easy and inexpe...

Chicken Tractor
Our Chicken tractor is finally complete. We've been working on it in the evenings after work. We f...

Simple Burlap Wreath (Autumn and Christmas Update)
For tutorial on making the basic wreath look here
I added a couple floral stems for a more Au...
Predators in the mist….
Okay, maybe that's an overly dramatic post title, but, the drama seen around here lately warrants so...

Living my Legend
Losing a Legend
Just got an email about a Life coach that I follow with interest. His emails always...

Fall Wreath in 15 Minutes
Make this simple burlap wreath in just minutes. Use coordinating fabric to change the look as of...

3 Steps to Like-New Sofas
(No painting involved)
As part of my Ely Room Vacation Decor project, I decided it would be b...

The Big Move
The Big Move…finally!
After what felt like an eternity, we are all moved into our new home. There is definitely some hard work ahead, but the satisfaction and peace of being here is nothing short of blissful.
How to build a straw bale garden bed
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Time stands still…when you are selling a house!
We are officially OVER the love of the last house we didn't get. As many of you may know, it was a F...
The Break Up
It's been over a month since I've posted. So (though I have no project to share) I thought I would a...
The road leads back home
This past week was a real drag. Why mince words? I mean, it was really shitty! It seems the entir...

Menus, Magnets and Misfortune…
Hey all! I thought I would share a quick tutorial on this super easy, but very handy menu...
Tag-I’m it!
Tagline Brainstorming:
I have done quite a lot of research on how to write a great and catchy, sure...

Eggs at last!
My hens have begun to produce eggs again- at last. After a few months sabbatical, the ladies are turning up the soil, readying it for early spring sowing.

Great Upcycled Greeting Card
Upcycled greeting card into a very professional looking notepad. Great way to make the sentiment last through out the year. I think I will find many uses for the Zutter Bind it All.

Easy DIY- Journal
An easy DIY Valentine Gift! Make this journal with materials that you probably already have on hand.

Steampunk inspired corset and fascinator.
Victory over Cricut!