[ Homesteading ]

In the woods…

Next steps in our plan to open our shop are in play. We have been surveying our place and find that the easiest way to get to the back woods and to our commercial property is to build a bridge.

Jim has been felling trees and clearing the lots and I am trying to get passed the anxiousness of such an undertaking.

We are hoping to have the materials delivered in January and start constructing and be open by March.  That leaves me little time to worry about how it all has to look.  We just have to move and adjust as we go.  Great plan!

We are feeling an old vintage vibe Like Tillmans’ Mercantile or  Tillman’s General Store, but have been told that we should be more specific in choosing our name, so we considered the Yarn Barn and Consignment Store.  I am afraid this is too limiting so we are now considering The LocalMotion Trading Company.

We are looking for local artisans to showcase their wares in our store on a consignment basis. I have to decide whether we want to sell coffee and have live music or let it begin slowly and grow a little more organically depending on demand.

So in the meantime, I will try not to get overwhelmed.  I will know that everything will come together for the greatest good and I will keep moving forward through the woods.

Eleanor in the woods



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