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The Big Move

The Big Move…finally!

After what felt like an eternity, we are all moved into our new home.  There is definitely some hard work ahead, but the satisfaction and peace of being here is nothing short of blissful.

Some History

We were fortunate to meet the sellers who shared some very interesting facts about this old house. It was part of an old parsonage in The Houston Heights and was moved here in the late 50s or early 60s.  The original owners of this land were founders of the town and very influential.  Their son is a local artist and he inherited this land and had the house moved here.  He also built a cottage and poured a slab for what was to become an art gallery. He evidently had a change of heart at some point and he sold this gem to a preacher and his wife.  They raised their children here and eventually sold the house to us. (Yay!)

ANew Life for an Old Home

This leaves us with a seasoned “canvas” to create our own dream life. We are thrilled and up to the task.  Having never renovated an old home like this, we are open to suggestions.

Here are some pictures:

Some Good, Some Bad, Some….Kinda Ugly (pink walls are not my thing).DSC_0285

Awesome sauce
Definitely part of the “good”
Chandelier that appears to have been last dusted circa 1960.
Chandelier that appears to have been last dusted circa 1960.
Light in current dining room, which used to be the kitchen.
Light in current dining room, which used to be the kitchen.
Stairs leading to the sleeping porch.
Stairs leading to the sleeping porch.
This was not part of the original home.  This addition in the back porch reminds us of Ely, MN.
This was not part of the original home. This addition in the back porch reminds us of Ely, MN.
This was used by previous owners to house all of the china in town.  Well almost.
This was used by previous owners to house all of the china in town. Well almost.
Not original, obviously.  Not sure what we will do with this. The original kitchen cupboards are pretty awesome.though
Not original, obviously. Not sure what we will do with this. The original kitchen cupboards are pretty awesome though.
The Big Move
Shelves in Parlor



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    1. Thank you Curvylou! We tried tilling a garden this weekend, but the ground is going to need a lot of amending. It is solid as a rock! Still, it remains a slice of heaven. Thanks for your encouraging comment.

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