Update on original 2012 Blog:
After much procrastination, self-doubt and irritation I have begun my Blog. I have watched from the sidelines for long enough and decided that this would be the year of ACTION.
So, even if nobody ever lays eyes on this, I will be able to check one more thing off my 2012 Bucket List (things I’d like to do before the year kicks the bucket).
So I’ve begun.
Start a blog….check.
To be done:
Get a paying singing gig…check
Spin my own yarn…check
Finally use my passport…check (kinda)
get organized….not even close
sell something hand made on Etsy….oops I forgot about Etsy.
Learn to take great pictures…working on it.
Not too bad. My best accomplishment of 2012, however; was getting married 🙂
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Welcome and I shall be one of your many visitors.. Enjoy
Take care & happy blogging to ya, from Laura ~