[ Crafts ]

Redemption Fairy

Redemption from the Graphics Fairy…

After the major failure I had over the weekend, I needed  to have a success.  That success came quickly and surpassed even my wildest imagination.

After re-painting the Painting NIghtmare I decided a quick and painless project was in order.  I raced to my Pinterest Boards and found a couple of crafts that I had pinned months ago, but never got around to starting.

I figured something to compliment the Farmhouse kitchen would be my best bet, so I flew over to the graphicsfairy and snagged up a couple of images to print.  What could be easier?  Really!

This French rooster is just a quick print and frame job.  Literally took me 2 minutes to complete.  This is super quick and inexpensive especially when you remember to shop here.

Quick and inexpensive Crafts.
Quick and inexpensive decor.

Here is another example of a quick to print decor.

Looks as good as printed canvas.
Looks as good as printed canvas.

And lastly, I found these terra cotta pots for a couple of dollars at Lowe’s and decided to try using Modge Podge to adhere the ink from a couple of prints.  These were printed on my HP printer on regular paper.

I started by using some white paint and dabbed it on lightly for an antique finish. I painted the ink side of the print with a coat of Modge Podge and glued it ,image side down, to the pot.

Hint:  Remember to reverse the image if necessary.

I used an embossing gun instead of waiting overnight for it to dry.  I ran it under cool water and brushed gently with a small paint brush until the paper washed away revealing the image underneath.  Tada!

Farm house pots for the kitchen.
Farm house pots for the kitchen.

jardin pot

The kitchen is really coming together.  Though we can’t redo the entire kitchen, this is a step in the right direction.


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