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More kitchen updates….

I am really excited about how our Farmhouse kitchen is coming together.  The fact is, some of the items are original to the house and date back to the early 1900s.  This provides a certain authenticity that I don’t want to water down with NEW fixtures.  The original owners of the house took a ’50s Diner approach to design.  This, though it had it’s charm, is not what I wanted.
Source: HAR.com
Source: HAR.com

The most dated elements include the countertops and floors, which we’ve decided will have to wait for an overhaul.

Light fixtures were also on the list to replace and though they are less of an expense, I decided we should try make our own rustic version of a fixture I saw at Lowe’s .

I knew I wanted something with an Edison type bulb, wire and an old finish.

Found at Lowe's. Forgive the terrible picture.
Inspiration Light fixture from Lowe’s

We played around with different wire frames until I remembered the old lampshade I found in the burn pit (yes, the previous owners left behind a lot of stuff in a burn pit).

I knew when I found it a months ago that  I would do something with it. It looked kinda steampunkish and I just couldn’t throw it out. Am I ever glad I held on to it!

I thought we could use the chicken wire left over from this project to complete this project.

So, I shared my crazy idea with Jim and as usual, he was more than happy to give it a shot.

We needed a light kit and we found the perfect color at Lowe’s

Simple light kit from Lowe's
Simple light kit from Lowe’s

we cleaned up the rusty frame…

Rusty old lamp shade frame.
Rusty old lamp shade frame.







then added  a little chicken wire and…Viola!

We're getting closer!
We’re getting closer!

We have an awesome new Farmhouse light fixture.

The best part is it only cost us $15 for the light kit.

The final pictures are coming soon! Jim is working on a butcher block cart that will really make the kitchen Farmhouse worthy.  I’ll upload the finished look soon.

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