[ Podcast ]

Episode 2

Impulse Control

In this episode, we talk about the ways we can get caught in a loop of negative self talk.

It is imperative that we learn to break that cycle and speak truth to the situation.  

We will develop a habit of breaking the loop and arguing against misbeliefs. 

The exercise here is to allow yourself the space between the “feeling” and your “argument” to see if there is truth in it.

For instance,

  • I feel I am not focused becomes I have varied interests.
  • I feel like I never finish anything becomes I finished college and raised kids without quitting. 
  • I am a failure becomes I can choose to keep going. I only fail if I quit.

Note: There is a caveat to this last one. Quitting is sometimes the best thing we can do. Quit smoking, quit a toxic relationship, etc.   In that case, I’d argue:   I didn’t quit on myself. I succeeded in leaving a bad relationship.


Those who hear not the music, think the dancer is mad.

Success Notebook

Take time on your good days to record things that go right. It will be a useful arguing tool on days that your brain wants you to focus on the bad stuff. 


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