[ DIY ][ knitting ]

Basket Weave Pattern

Basket Weave Cowl Pattern by Ellienoir


One size fits all.
Finished measurements: 36 inches.
Yarn:2 skeins Lion’s Pride Woolspun
Needles: Size 10 Circular
Notions: needle and waste yarn



Cast on 30 stitches.
k1, p 1 repeat to end. turn.
p1, k1 * repeat to end.
Continue in this manner (moss
stitch) for 3 inches.

Knitting hacks
Knitting hacks

Knit 6 stitches and move remaining
24 stitches to waste yarn.
Continue knitting the 6 stitches in stockinette for 5 inches. (this is a great time to practice reverse purling).
When your first “finger”
measures 5 inches, Move live
stitches to scrap yarn (or straw in my case). Do not cast off. Cut yarn leaving a 5 inch tail. (see pic on left)




basketweave 2

Return to 24 stitches on holder  and join yarn. Knit the next 6 stitches in stockinette until that “finger’ measures 5 inches.

Move those stitches to waste yarn. Proceed in like manner until all stitches (5 “fingers”) are knit. (see pic on left)




Return all of the stitches to the
knitting needles and begin moss stitch again.

Continue in moss stitch for 20
inches or until cowl measures 28
inches from the beginning. ( 3 + 5





Beginning on the right side,  repeat the “fingers” pattern by knitting 6 stitches while leaving the others on waste yarn. (It is best to keep the ends separate as we proceed because we will be weaving them through the first set).



Once the second set of fingers are 5 inches long, weave by going over and under the first set of “fingers”. Be sure that there is no twist and that the right sides are both showing as you weave.





Once finished weaving, join yarn and continue in moss stitch for 3 inches. Cast off.

The wrong side of this is going to be a hot mess….don’t let it worry you. All those loose ends are easily worked in and finished.
Feel free to share your comments or ask questions.



NOTE: The cowl I am wearing in the photo has 6 “fingers” on each side instead of 5. I knit fingers of 5 stitches 6 times.

Happy Knitting!

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  1. hello,thank you or your website , enehytrivg is illustrated very well specially the videos are very helpfull .i tried this pattern but i was confised how many stiches should be cast on ? odd ,even or multiple of a number ? please advise.thank you .

    1. Hello Irena!

      You should cast on 30 stitches. Each of the 5 “fingers” would be 6 stitches wide. 5×6=30

      I hope this helps!

  2. This is a beautiful pattern. I have seen it in person. Someone made one for my daughter. Looking forward to trying it out. Thanks for sharing this with us so much.

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