Our website has finally launched. We will be migrating all of the Fiber related content to the new site and archiving the rest here for future reference. If you have a membership with us, that will not change as those classes will be housed here privately. Your access will be the same.
visit woollybobbin.com
Sweet Deviation podcast will continue with Season 2 content available soon.
Thanks for your patience.
Thanks for your interest in our upcoming classes.
We have recently relocated our Texas Alpaca Farm to Northern MN! As a result, our classes have been in limbo, but we hope to get back on track for some great 2022 crafting fun.
- Ceramic ornaments
- Needle Felted ornaments
Intermediate Workshops
- Intro to Weaving: Scarf
- Intermediate Weaving: Warp Ribbon Scarf
- Intermediate KNITTING: Socks, basketweave cowl
- Knit Sweater Workshop
- Wet Felted Slippers
Follow us on facebook to see our latest projects and schedules
Meet the Fleet

Local Motion Trading Days
Come on by and learn how alpaca fiber is washed, carded and spun to create beautiful garments.
Special activities include live spinning and weaving demonstrations.
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