Introducing: The Tillmanator Box Cardercycle 1000!
Jim has completed the redesign of my box carder. I have been asking for this contraption since we joked about how awesome it would be. I should have known better than to joke and pose what I’d known he’d take as a challenge [wink, wink]. This is exactly the reason he and I are made for each other! My inspiration plus his perspiration equals Awesome!
There are those of you who will not know what this contraption is used for (roughly 99.9% of you) and then there are the small handful of you who wished you could take it for a spin, or better still, make one for yourself. If you fall into the latter category, I am pleased to share that Jim has uploaded a pretty great tutorial here.
Jim is taking it for a spin and all appears to working perfectly. I was able to clean some pretty dirty Angora (note to self: never use pine dust in hutch again.) with very little effort. I had really considered throwing the wool out because it was too tedious a job to hand pick and clean. A few runs in the carder and sawdust was flying everywhere! Now my wool is ready for felting.

Congrats on your cardercycle. Proper tools are priceless. Jim did a great job. He is one innovative guy.
Hi,I was wondering if you know of any UK or European cmeaorciml sources for Angora fibre. I have been told that it is only really Chinese sources on the world market that is a feasible option. Is this true? I am a designer trying to source natural and sustainable UK luxury fibres.Hope to hear from you,Many Thanks
Hello there Vanusa! I don’t know of any large scale suppliers of angora. I have angora bunnies and harvest my own for spinning. Good luck to you on your search. How wonderfully exciting to create your own designs!
Oi, this is a thing of beauty. I think every house needs one of these. Mine certainly does. (:
It definitely gets the job done! It makes me consider adding sheep to our little farm just to have more wool to card. A girl needs her exercise, right?