[ DIY ][ knitting ]

Parcel Post Dandy Cowl

Parcel Place Dandy Cowl – Free pattern on Ravelry by Ariane Caron-Lacoste

Just finished this impromptu cowl.

Parcel Place - Dandy Cowl

Sweet Deviation Dandy Cowl
Sweet Deviation
Dandy Cowl






I originally bought this yarn to knit up my own design (coming soon) and to kill time while my yarn was in storage. See reasons for storing yarn here: (mistakes #2,#6).

I had a couple skeins left over so I decided I needed something more challenging than stockinette but not too crazy since my nerves were already fried from the whole buying/selling a house nightmare.

I am happy with the end result, but am now faced with a dilemma….

To block or not to block?

I’m kinda partial to the great texture of the unblocked piece.  It is lace and intended to lie flat, but I think I like the chunkier, edgier unblocked look.

You can see tons of images of blocked finished pieces here.  What do you think?



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