[ Before and After ]

Kitchen Redon’t

The original title for this post was Kitchen Redo, but as you have guessed, it was a major bust.

First, let me say that the kitchen is in major need of an over haul.  We have pink walls for crying out loud!! The reality is, my budget was $250 and that’s several thousand dollars less than needed for a complete redo.

We found a $9 can of paint at the oops department at Lowe’s. The color was close enough to what we needed so we snagged it right up.

We spent the rest of our budget on supplies and new hardware.

The drive to the nearest store is 30 minutes and I had forgotten my list so I was going on memory.  I managed to forget the supplies for the hoop house ( see accidental garden). I was pretty bummed but decided all was not lost since I would have a freshly painted kitchen by noon and could decorate and blog about my awesome success.

Instead, at about noon, I realized that the paint we bought was looking kinda dingy.  What’s a girl to do but add another coat? So that’s exactly what I did.  It was well into the third coat that I realized that the hideous pink paint was oil based.  All of our hard work was peeling right off the walls!

Did I mention we have bead board walls?  Every line has to be painstakingly removed. I could’ve cried.

So here we are at 10 o’clock on Halloween night with pink peeling walls.

Be sure to avoid THIS big mistake!
Be sure to avoid THIS big mistake!

Not exactly terrifying, but crappy luck for sure. So there you go.  My reason for posting is that I have a self imposed 21-day blog post challenge and I can’t fail.

If you are still reading, I thank you for sticking with it.  Hope I’ll have better news for tomorrow’s post.


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