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Chicken Tractor

Our Chicken tractor is finally complete.  We’ve been working on it in the evenings after work.  We found the plans here.   The instructions were easy to understand and the project was a lot cheaper to build than it would have cost to buy.
Jim is hard at work and I am...well, I'm taking pictures.
Jim is hard at work and I am…well, I’m taking pictures.

The true test is whether or not the ladies would actually like it.

The ladies were curious and seemed to like it.
The ladies were curious and seemed to like it.


Night time check in and all is well.
Night time check in and all is well.

I think we can put our concerns to rest.   They are making themselves at home.

The plans were so easy to follow that we are thinking about making another one for our bunnies.

The next project from this book is gonna be the top bar bee hive!

Happy roosting!



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